
Impact Custom Sports Mouthguards

The mouth guard that makes the difference!

Where injury is possible to our natural teeth during the playing of sport, should wear a mouth guard.

Our professionally fitted impact mouhtguards greatly reduce the chances of tooth damage or painful laceration of lips & mouth. They also assist to absorb and reduce the impact which may happen in a damaged jaw & concussion.
Mouth guards should always be made & fitted by an appropriate dental prosthetist.
Impact Mouth guards will also help your child’s confidence& Will give the parent peace of mind.

West Ryde Dental has extensively studied the need for custom fitted Mouth guards Practical aspect custom laminated Mouth guards are multiple layers of resilientĀ enadisks bonded together & closely adapted to the upper teeth gums & palate. All materials used are of high bio-compatibility for the oral cavity in which protect the teeth, tissues & surrounding structures. At a level which is recommended by leading mouth guard. specialists.

Impact mouth guards are manufactured to absorb impact and distributing them around the mouth 7 stop direct forces being allocated to one area in return gives the wearer a sense of safety knowing that an impact may not have become as severe if a custom laminated mouth guard was won.

Why impact custom laminated mouth guards?

  • Superior protection on teeth, gums and tissue.
  • Reduces risk of concussion on impact to the lower jaw.
  • Secure fit safe and durable
  • Comfortable fit. No bulkiness
  • Easy breathing for clear communication
  • Odourless, tasteless and tear resistant
  • Personalised with phone no#, name etc, for hygiene and safety.

Analysed to suit your age and type of sport.

Impact mouth guards are easy to clean, by just rinsing under cold water after use. They also come with a ventilated container for storage after use.

Are the different grades of impact mouth guards and some examples of which grade would be suitable for some sports.